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A series of online talks with exciting startups and innovators across the Arctic region.

In a series of online talks, NUKIGA puts a focus on exciting startups and innovators across the Arctic region. Once a week, our host Faroese entrepreneur Tórður Ravnsfjall will talk to exciting and motivating guests from all over the Arctic region.

Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram to sign up for the next talk. All talks will also be featured in our event calendar.

All talks

Greenland is enormous. Within the Icecaps, mountain peaks, lakes, and ocean, there is wild food to be found everywhere in Greenland. Tavik Trøndheim wants to make food from the Greenland wilderness more easily accessible through the site

A talk with Tinka from Inuit Quality Clothes – a brand that creates designs inspired by the beautiful and rough Greenlandic Nature. Inuit Quality Clothes is working towards new ways of environmental responsibility.

How to make sure that all of the Faroese wool is used – for the sake of our environment, the sheep, and the Faroese culture? A talk with Sissal Kristiansen from The Wool Islands about this important topic.

Anges Mortensen from Tari talks about her journey as an entrepreneur, her work with cultivating seaweed, and how to use this delicious superfood in your cooking!

 Nima Tisdall is the Founder of Blue Lobster a digital marketplace that allows you to purchase low-impact and fair seafood directly from fishermen. 

Nukiga Talks with Ella Rytsölä from With Purpose. We talk about how we can get more women involved with entrepreneurship.