Esther-Else Olsen

1997. Qaanaaq.

I really like Qaanaaq and our culture. We are very sociable and friendly.

The summer here is really good, we sail a lot, and generally we are outside more because it is much brighter. You don’t really have a bedtime in the summer because the sun is out around the clock. It’s great.

Winter is very different. Qaanaaq is different from other Greenlandic cities. When people from other places say that it is dark there in winter, it’s nothing compared to Qaanaaq.


I’m not sure if I want to live here in the future or where I want to live, but my father has told me that he loves Qaanaaq and even though he’s worked in other cities, he still wants to be in Qaanaaq and work to strengthen the city. I really like that idea.

Here it is dark for four months, which means that we spend more time inside. I spend a lot of time with my friends. We play games and go for walks on the ice when we have time for it.

But when you’re young, it can sometimes be difficult to think of something to do, because there’s not really anywhere you can go here. So there aren’t that many options.

I work in Pilersuisoq (the store), and when I’m not with my friends, I mostly just relax.