Gabriella Broberg Hansen

2002. Uummannaq.

There are approx. 30 children here at the children’s home, but not everyone is here right now; some are away in boarding school in Denmark or go to high school elsewhere in Greenland. I’m looking forward to everyone coming home again. I like living with the other children here and looking after the little ones, but it can also be quite annoying. It’s like having younger siblings.

We play a lot of music here at the children’s home. We do concerts and stuff like that. I play the violin. I chose it because I was once given an old violin as a gift from my grandfather. Right now I’m also learning traditional throat singing. And sometimes when we clean up we practice throat singing and listen to throat singers.

One day I would also like to write my own book. It should be called “The freedom to choose to be oneself, if I don’t choose the freedom to fly”. I want to write about my life from start to finish. But I want to be old when I finish it, so it will be a long story I have to write.

I would like to go to school in Denmark in the future. Either to study to become a doctor or a midwife. I would like to work with that in the future. It is quite important for me to make my family proud, and it is important for Greenland because there is a shortage of doctors and midwives.

Being a doctor or a midwife also means that I will have a better chance of creating a good and peaceful home.