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Ivik Paulsen

Ivik Paulsen is 28 years old and from Nuuk, Greenland. He is studying a master’s degree in law at SDU. Ivik chose law, because it provides him with a lot of opportunities when he’s done studying. Almost every sector in public administration and private businesses needs someone who has studied law. He is not sure what he wants to do with his degree yet, so he finds it nice to know that he is not bound to go in one direction.

“The skillset I gain from studying law is broad. To complete a bachelor and master’s degree in law, you must have a lot of self-discipline, work hard and focus. The professional skills you gain from studying law can be dissemination, high professionalism, advisory as well as other skills.” 

 Ivik thinks that there are multiple interesting subjects in law, but so far, his favorite has been international law (folkeret), international human rights, company law, and criminal law.

These are very different subjects, but each one very important in a society in different ways. He is also authorized defense counsel. 

 In his spare time, he plays football, spends time with friends and family or just hangs out at home. Ivik is not sure what his dreams for the future are yet, but hopefully it’s a bright one.

Facts about Ivik

Education: Master’s degree in Law
Place of study:SDU
Expected time of graduation: 2023

Bachelor thesis: Does Greenland compliy with the articles of the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child, regarding article 3 and 19
Thesis language: Danish, abstract in English

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