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Steve’s Carwash

Greenland | Innovations

Steve Mathæussen started his remote carwash service in Nuuk, while he studied to become a social worker. He borrowed money through a cheap student’s loan and bought a carpet cleaner and a pressure washer, watched a YouTube video on how to clean a car properly, made a Facebook page, and off he was.

But starting his own business was not without challenges:

“The reason why I started my own business is because I wanted to try new things and challenge myself. I wanted to be my own boss. In the beginning, it was really hard, and I didn’t know all the rules concerning taxes, so I got a big bill the first year. I really recommend getting to know the rules and regulations before starting out.”

Despite a setback during Covid and the tax bill, Steve’s business is thriving, and he has since expanded to include cleaning of boats and sofas as well. Last year he was able to quit his other job.

“It’s been learning by doing, and things are going very well now. I even got my first part-time employee. My plan is to have a website and forcus more on marketing. I also plan to expand to other cities in Greenland such as Illusisat, Sissimium, Qaarpotok.”

Read more about Steve’s carwash here:

Take a look at some before-after pictures below

Steve Mathæussen

At work