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Denmark | Greenland | Innovations

Political architecture – what is that?

Imagine architecture that turns urgent matters like sustainability, climate change, minorities, equality, and suppression into architecture. STUDIO FORMATION does exactly that.

Spotted by Nauja Lynge

Martine Lynge Lyngesen is a conscious architect with Danish/Greenlandic background situated in Copenhagen, who works with political architecture. She has been doing field work in the Faroe Islands, Berlin, and Athens, where people’s sense of belonging to their home was investigated with the purpose of understanding how to design spaces that humans feel an attachment to.

She now also looks towards the Arctic region for new projects. In a complex real-world situation where critical attention to urgent matters is more important than ever, STUDIO FORMATION offers a range of different ways to approach architecture and challenge the role of the architect, particularly in a time where our building industry is responsible for 40% of the world’s CO2 emissions- this is time to change our ways.

A conscious architect

STUDIO FORMATION design spaces where we can meet each other based on shared interests. Martine works with environmentally ethical and socially sustainable methods in architecture and interior design with focus on collaboration. Whether this is in a coffee shop, a studio, a company or in private homes.

The woman behind f STUDIO FORMATION, Martine Lynge Lyngesen

“Most of the time, the hours we spend repairing and upgrading existing things save us money we would otherwise spend on new products, and we create unique and comfortable spaces as a bonus”, says Martine Lynge Lyngesen, founder of STUDIO FORMATION.

As a conscious architect, she challenges status quo and helps clients make hyper personal, intimate spaces by guiding them to do so using upcycling.

So many good materials are being thrown out constantly, and only if we value the efforts and carefulness connected with the time and labour of upcycling, we can get even better and more aesthetic results while saving good materials from going to landfill and eventually contaminating our oceans.

4 approaches to architecture

Martine approaches her field in several different ways. One is small scale interior projects, a second consist of urban planning and landscaping.

A third is her specialized guided tours, in which the city’s narrative is presented, and the participant learns about the political process of strategizing the city and analysing architecture with a critical view.

A fourth way is her interest in collaboration with others and being part of a network. She is part of a group of architects who have started the association COMMENSAL. The association sees itself as a ‘pool of people’, where you can form work groups for a specific project. Being 25 young architects, they naturally flow in and out of the ‘core active’ and ‘core passive’ groups depending on what else they have going on in their work lives.

Photos of STUDIO FORMATION’s work

COMMENSAL wishes to have a platform for knowledge sharing while being a network group of likeminded people in a flat hierarchy. Besides contributing to this association, Martine also is a member of BUILDING DIVERSITY which fights for an equal building industry and highlights the issues of treating people differently based on gender, sexuality, bodily abilities, race etc.

About Martine Lynge Lyngesen

Graduate from The Royal Danish Academy, Institute of Architecture and Culture, MA Political Architecture: Critical Sustainability.

She is the founder of @STUDIO FORMATION.


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