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Denmark | Greenland | Innovations

Taksinto is an innovative digital tool for schools and youth educational institutions that by logging students’ personal and social development provide students, teachers, and parents with a much-needed overview.

Spotted by Nauja Lynge

Taksinto is an innovative digital tool for schools and youth educational institutions with teachers and students as primary users. It strengthens educational differentiation and inclusion and promotes learning, well-being, and a sense of community – and saves time.

New method for logging personal and social development  

Students’ discontent and boredom in the school system with absenteeism and dropouts as a result have become increasing challenging in several countries throughout the world. In addition, more and more students are challenged with subjects such as mathematics.

Taksinto helps each individual student by making his or her progress and learning visible and manageable, which promotes educational differentiation and inclusion. With Taksinto, personal strengths and potential are made visible to the student, teacher, and parents, and it will help promote the personal abilities that influence how students succeed. This method helps to qualify the assessment of learning and the feedback process.


Nicolaz Nørholm & Tom Ostermann-Søholm (principal) at Hans Lynge school in Nuuk, Greenland.

“Taksinto creates overview and focuses on strengths and potential by logging personal and social development in the educational system, says Founder and CEO of Taksinto Nicolaz Nørholm.

Nicolaz Nørholm has more than 20 years of experience as a teacher, and early on he spotted the need for a new method for logging personal and social development that makes learning visible and manageable for both students, teachers, and parents.

The educational basis and development of Taksinto is particularly inspired by educational research from Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Norway.

Pilot project in Greenland

The company behind Taksinto is based in Odense, Denmark, with primary operations in Denmark and the Arctic region. It was founded in 2021, where it gained momentum with a pilot project started in 2022 at Hans Lynge School in Greenland. Nicolaz Nørholm immediately felt a strong commitment to innovative development with his collaborators in Greenland.

“Meetings with Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq and the Board of Education in Greenland, school leaders, school boards and parents of children in Greenlandic schools has been a positive experience of openness and curiosity about how we can collaborate on school development”, says Founder and CEO of Taksinto Nicolaz Nørholm

He was excited to see how this tool strengthened collaboration between students, teachers, management, and parents. Also, the amount of time saved on documentation and planning was essential for both management and teachers.

Nicolaz Nørholm believes that Taksinto has huge potential in the Arctic region. He sees how this development tool is more and more relevant for schools and youth education institutions throughout the Arctic.

At the moment, he and the Taksinto team are looking for a school in Canada that can help develop Taksinto further.

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